Are you thinking of migrating legacy applications? We can help

Migrating legacy applications to the cloud can be challenging since they were not originally designed for the cloud. The best way to ensure cloud computing benefits for such applications is by using Nous APPA™ framework. Our framework offers a proven and structured approach for accelerated migration of legacy apps and enables you to ensure increased availability and cloud-scale performance with significant TCO reduction.

Nous APPA Framework Overview

Nous APPA Process

Nous’ APPA™ Accelerated Program for Porting to Azure ) Framework can perform on-the-fly containerization. It assists organizations in modernizing their existing legacy applications to containers while taking care of the complex application dependencies, auto-scaling, and integration. The process and toolset can transform non-cloud-native legacy applications into completely portable applications that can benefit from auto-scaling and deployment agility on Microsoft Azure, using Docker and Kubernetes.

Business Benefits 

Lower migration costs

Automation & cost savings

Better resource utilization

Better TCO 

Web App Modernization using Azure App Service/Azure Functions

Leverage our Microsoft designated ‘Co-Sell Prioritized’ solution to accelerate the modernization of your web applications to Azure using Azure App Services and/or Azure Functions. In the last 5 years, Nous’ Azure Architects have helped several organizations peel monolithic applications into microservices with zero impact on business. This helped improve scalability, reduce time-to-market, all while reducing costs significantly.

Build and deploy web apps using Azure App Services

Enable event-based scaling using Azure Functions

Drive 65-80% savings on cloud consumption costs

Solution Overview

Get started with a bespoke workshop delivered to you by our architects to identify challenges, benefits, and strategies involved in modernizing your applications on Azure. Read More on Azure App Modernization Workshop.

If you’re further along in your decision to modernize your web applications, we recommend a short proof of concept to validate your strategies. Nous’ .NET/Java/ OSS App Modernization Bootcamp will modernize a selected application to Azure App Service/Azure functions in just 4 weeks. Explore the POC on Microsoft’s Azure Marketplace.


Case Study

App modernization to Azure App service for a leading school management software company

Enhanced scalability and security by deploying the legacy admin app as a Docker container in Azure App Service.

Case Study

App modernization to Azure App service for a leading risk management solutions provider

Improved app performance and scalability by modernizing existing application to .NET Core using the Nous APPA framework.

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